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HoN Replays

Most of this data is super old, so the format may be a bit outdated. But I’m archiving it anyway.

Shout out to theli-ua (theli on the forums) for creating this in s2r2.

And also ahout out to kroy on GitHub for having their own fork of this including the original context from the post (as inlined below).


Entity: the basic building blocks of a HoN game. Everything in a HoN game is done to an entity, and is caused by
	an entity (I believe). In the context of the replay file, Entities are represented as objects with a certain
	number of fields. There is a significant amount of magic involved in parsing entity objects.

Structure of a replay file

An s2 replay file is a binary file containing a representation of all of the game data
included in a HoN game.  The game is divided into frames which contain all data for a given snapshot of the game.
Frames contain references to entities, which are the building blocks of a replay.

-The first 4 bytes of data in the replay file should be the string: 'S2R2'
-The next 4 bytes are an int representing the format version of the replay data
-The next 4 bytes are the server version on which the game was played
-The next piece of the replay file is (I believe) a set of variables which pertain to the
	initialization of the map and game
		-> In order to understand these, need to understand the EntitySnapshot class
		-> These variables are divided into objects, which I believe are called "entities"
		-> The initial values for each of the entity's vars is stored in the chunk next to 
			the var descriptions
		-> Combining the var descriptions with the initial values gives us a snapshot of the entity
-The next chunk of data is a mysterious array of vars whose value is a short
-Next is a string representing the map name
-Next is the extremely important "StringSet".  This is an array of dictionaries, each one holding the values
	of certain pieces of important game info dependent on the version of the replay.
		-> The size is read in as a variable
		-> For each entry in the StringSet, we parse the contents of the string into a dict with format
			key : value
		-> dict 0 (StringSets[0]) contains information about the server on which the game was hosted
		-> dict 1 (StringSets[1]) contains some global vars affecting game mechanics
		-> dict 2 (StringSets[2]) contains some mystery vars, not sure what they are
		-> dict 3 (StringSets[3]) is very important. It contains the names of each entity in this version of the
			game, keyed by id number.  These id numbers are referenced by other parts of the replay data to 
			convey an action has been performed on a specific entity
				example: '593': '064/heroes/drunkenmaster/ability_03/projectile.entity'
-Next are the StateBlocks which are used to build the EntityMap. The EntityMap is what links the EntityPool
	to the StringSets[3] dictionary. This is how the name of the entity in question is extracted from the raw
	entity tuple contained in the entity pool.
		-> I am not sure what the purpose of including the Map in the first place.  It seems that it would be easier
			to simply include the StringSet[3] id in the EntityPool tuple.

--------------------End of Replay Data initialization (all of the above is parsed in ReplayManager.StartPlayback())

-The next chunk of data contains the frames of the actual replay.  Each frame is structured as follows
	-> The first 4 bytes of a frame contain the length of the frame
	-> The replay parser reads the frame into a BitBuffer.
	-> The BitBuffer is parsed into a snapshot

Classes in s2r2 parsing library

This code uses python bitarray and stuct. The struct format can be found here

ReplayManager: This class initializes and builds the replay data into an intelligible format using the other classes
	included in  It allows the user to step through each frame of the replay and extract all entity states.
	The StartPlayback() method must be called before stepping through each frame with NextFrame().

BitBuffer: A wrapper for a bitarray. This allows for bits to be read from the replaydata in a special way in order
	to respect the format of the s2 replay data

EntitySnapshot: Represents the state of an entity at a given point in time

CSnapshot: Represents the data contained within a frame of the replay. The data includes entities and game events