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This endpoint is used to fetch specific hero stats for “campaign” but I’m not sure what that is exactly.

NOTE: It’s requested twice. Once for casual and once for non-casual.


POST /client_requester.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: S2 Games/Heroes of Newerth/
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Length: 70
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • cookie: Used to validate the client’s session.
  • nickname: The account to fetch the stats for.
  • hero: The hero ID to look up the stats for.
  • is_casual: A boolean determining if it should fetch casual stats or not. (It is requested twice, once for each state).



Formatted response:

    [season] => 12
    [account_id] => 782203
    [hero_id] => 243
    [cam_ph_used] => 4
    [cam_ph_wins] => 2
    [cam_ph_losses] => 2
    [cam_ph_concedes] => 2
    [cam_ph_concedevotes] => 0
    [cam_ph_buybacks] => 2
    [cam_ph_discos] => 0
    [cam_ph_kicked] => 0
    [cam_ph_pub_skill] => 0
    [cam_ph_pub_count] => 0
    [cam_ph_amm_solo_rating] => 0
    [cam_ph_amm_solo_count] => 0
    [cam_ph_amm_team_rating] => 1
    [cam_ph_amm_team_count] => 4
    [cam_ph_avg_score] => 0.00
    [cam_ph_herokills] => 50
    [cam_ph_herodmg] => 67625
    [cam_ph_heroexp] => 39766
    [cam_ph_herokillsgold] => 16116
    [cam_ph_heroassists] => 28
    [cam_ph_deaths] => 20
    [cam_ph_goldlost2death] => 7356
    [cam_ph_secs_dead] => 847
    [cam_ph_teamcreepkills] => 576
    [cam_ph_teamcreepdmg] => 298802
    [cam_ph_teamcreepexp] => 38499
    [cam_ph_teamcreepgold] => 25247
    [cam_ph_neutralcreepkills] => 31
    [cam_ph_neutralcreepdmg] => 23504
    [cam_ph_neutralcreepexp] => 2132
    [cam_ph_neutralcreepgold] => 1163
    [cam_ph_bdmg] => 7630
    [cam_ph_bdmgexp] => 0
    [cam_ph_razed] => 11
    [cam_ph_bgold] => 9865
    [cam_ph_denies] => 9
    [cam_ph_exp_denied] => 348
    [cam_ph_gold] => 55248
    [cam_ph_gold_spent] => 56956
    [cam_ph_exp] => 80681
    [cam_ph_actions] => 29114
    [cam_ph_secs] => 8577
    [cam_ph_consumables] => 43
    [cam_ph_wards] => 1
    [cam_ph_time_earning_exp] => 8577
    [cam_ph_bloodlust] => 0
    [cam_ph_doublekill] => 6
    [cam_ph_triplekill] => 3
    [cam_ph_quadkill] => 0
    [cam_ph_annihilation] => 0
    [cam_ph_ks3] => 4
    [cam_ph_ks4] => 3
    [cam_ph_ks5] => 2
    [cam_ph_ks6] => 2
    [cam_ph_ks7] => 1
    [cam_ph_ks8] => 1
    [cam_ph_ks9] => 1
    [cam_ph_ks10] => 1
    [cam_ph_ks15] => 0
    [cam_ph_smackdown] => 0
    [cam_ph_humiliation] => 0
    [cam_ph_nemesis] => 61
    [cam_ph_retribution] => 0
    [vested_threshold] => 5
    [0] => 1

NOTE: My casual one was returning nothing because there was no casual seasons on NA. Maybe on Garena?

  • season: The current season number.
  • account_id: The account ID corresponding to the stats that were fetched.
  • hero_id: The ID of the hero whose stats were fetched.
  • cam_ph_used:
  • cam_ph_wins:
  • cam_ph_losses:
  • cam_ph_concedes:
  • cam_ph_concedevotes:
  • cam_ph_buybacks:
  • cam_ph_discos:
  • cam_ph_kicked:
  • cam_ph_pub_skill:
  • cam_ph_pub_count:
  • cam_ph_amm_solo_rating:
  • cam_ph_amm_solo_count:
  • cam_ph_amm_team_rating:
  • cam_ph_amm_team_count:
  • cam_ph_avg_score:
  • cam_ph_herokills:
  • cam_ph_herodmg:
  • cam_ph_heroexp:
  • cam_ph_herokillsgold:
  • cam_ph_heroassists:
  • cam_ph_deaths:
  • cam_ph_goldlost2death:
  • cam_ph_secs_dead:
  • cam_ph_teamcreepkills:
  • cam_ph_teamcreepdmg:
  • cam_ph_teamcreepexp:
  • cam_ph_teamcreepgold:
  • cam_ph_neutralcreepkills:
  • cam_ph_neutralcreepdmg:
  • cam_ph_neutralcreepexp:
  • cam_ph_neutralcreepgold:
  • cam_ph_bdmg:
  • cam_ph_bdmgexp:
  • cam_ph_razed:
  • cam_ph_bgold:
  • cam_ph_denies:
  • cam_ph_exp_denied:
  • cam_ph_gold:
  • cam_ph_gold_spent:
  • cam_ph_exp:
  • cam_ph_actions:
  • cam_ph_secs:
  • cam_ph_consumables:
  • cam_ph_wards:
  • cam_ph_time_earning_exp:
  • cam_ph_bloodlust:
  • cam_ph_doublekill:
  • cam_ph_triplekill:
  • cam_ph_quadkill:
  • cam_ph_annihilation:
  • cam_ph_ks3:
  • cam_ph_ks4:
  • cam_ph_ks5:
  • cam_ph_ks6:
  • cam_ph_ks7:
  • cam_ph_ks8:
  • cam_ph_ks9:
  • cam_ph_ks10:
  • cam_ph_ks15:
  • cam_ph_smackdown:
  • cam_ph_humiliation:
  • cam_ph_nemesis:
  • cam_ph_retribution:
  • vested_threshold: Unknown but always 5
  • 0: Unkown but always 1 on sucess or 0 on error`.