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Version - 15 April 2021 == Design ==

= Heroes =


Shard Blast

  • Cast Range rescaled from 800 to 575/650/725/800.
  • Base Magic Damage rescaled from 80/115/150/185 to 65/105/145/185.
  • Mana Cost changed from 50/70/90/110 to 65/80/95/110.

  • These changes should make Adrenaline more bearable in the laning phase without changing his performance after the laning phase.


Maddening Revenge

  • Radius for an enemy source to trigger Maddening Revenge increased from 900 units to 2000 units.
  • This information is now indirectly mentioned in the tooltip. Hover over the ability to show the radius.

Flint Beastwood

Hollowpoint Shells

  • Stun duration increased from 0/0.05/0.1/0.15 seconds to 0.05/0.1/0.15/0.2 seconds.

Money Shot

  • Cooldown reduced from 20 seconds to 20/18/16 seconds.


Rift Stalk

  • No longer applies negative Armor to affected targets.



  • Parasite no longer gains the Static Gold and Experience when his Infested creep dies if Parasite infested an ally creep.

Plague Rider

Plague Carrier

  • Ancient creeps killed by Plague Carrier now only grant 60/80/100% of the original Experience and Gold to Plague Rider.
  • Projectile speed increased from 700 to 900 units per second.



  • Damage-over-Time effects from Qi’s abilities now apply the corrected amount of 0.75x the bonus damage per game frame (instead of 1x the bonus damage).
  • “Extra” Attack Speed considered by the damage calculation is now capped at 250.
  • These changes prevent Qi from doing excessive amounts of damage to heroes who get a large burst of Attack Speed in short durations (e.g. Silhouette, Scout).
  • Note that Qi will still do a lot of damage to these heroes, but they will not be unreasonably large damage values.


Horned Strike

  • Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 6.5 seconds.


Gargantuan’s Blast

  • Magic Damage increased from 55/110/165/220 to 70/120/170/220.

Feint’s Siphon

  • Magic Damage increased from 55/110/165/220 to 70/120/170/220.

Soul’s Sight

  • Stun duration upon attacking increased from 0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8 seconds to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2 seconds.

Essence Shift

  • When Strength is your main attribute: max Health lost per point of bonus Strength granted by this ability reduced from 2.5/2/1.5 to 2.5/1.75/1.

= Items =

Ghost Marchers

  • Cooldown reduced from 10 seconds to 9 seconds.

== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==

= Forests of Caldavar (“New”) =

  • Extra blockers have been added to the nearby cliffs of the Legion and Hellbourne Ancients camps to prevent heroes from stacking them from the middle lane by direct pathing near the cliffs.

= Heroes =


  • Default avatar and King Cthulhuphant avatar now have the proper Trample effects.
  • Trample now generally spawns less afterimage visuals of Cthulhuphant.
  • All Cthulhuphant avatars now have visual effects for Maddening Revenge.
  • Daemon Highlord Cthulhuphant now uses the proper voice lines for Dreams of Madness, Obliterate, and his taunt.
  • Enemies now gain Sight of Cthulhuphant if they are forced to attack Cthulhuphant during Dreams of Madness.
  • Credits to Gimj for submitting some of these changes!

Corrupted Disciple

  • Corrupted Conduit’s damage state now expires on the affected unit if they respawn (addresses a rare bug where the damage state will linger after death).


  • Visual effects from Saint’s Blood no longer play when receiving DoT damage.


  • Infest now grants the proper amount of Gold and Experience if the Infested creep’s lifetime expires naturally.


  • Toggling the Dread aura no longer dispels certain states (e.g. Assassin’s Shroud).


  • Warchief now stops in place properly after Spirit Walk is cast (there were edge cases where this was still occurring).